Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The phone was ringing as they entered Estelle's apartment.

"Why does that always happen?" Estelle mumbled rushing to answer. "Hi there, you! Missing me already?" she said, smiling broadly. "You could have called me on my cell if you wanted to talk to me that badly..."

Her smile slowly dissolved as she handed the phone over to Sheila.

"It's for you… Jean-Paul… Probably wants to know how you liked his croissants. That man is so into his bakery."

Estelle hovered nearby, glancing over periodically as Sheila carried on her conversation.

"This is a surprise. We just barely got home and I haven't had the chance to try them yet…"

"See? Told you!" Estelle said softly. "Frenchmen and their croissants! Almost an obsession! Given the choice they'd probably choose pastries over sex, I swear!"

"…haven't planned that far ahead to be honest," Sheila said, aware that Estelle was studying her. "No I haven't seen that yet… Let me think on that. Can I get back to you? A pencil and paper, Estelle?"

"If it's to write down Jean-Paul's phone numbers – I have them both!" Estelle responded, a definite edge to her voice. "I always keep the numbers of my favorite people handy."

"Um – bonjour!" she commented as the conversation ended.

"Well? What did he want? C'mon - share!" Estelle asked, as she set the table. "Wait 'til you taste his croissants. Perfection. Did I mention to you that me and Jean-Paul know each other for two years now but it feels like we've known each other much longer than that. We're close. I mean, we were never really officially seeing each other but we dated a few of times."

Sheila got the distinct impression that Estelle was trying to tell her hands-off in her own inimitable fashion.

"Coffee or tea?" she went on. "Personally, I think that drinking anything but coffee with croissants is blasphemous. I mean – croissants are so - you know - French," Estelle said, barely taking a breath between sentences. "So? What did he want?"

"Just like you said, he wanted to know how we liked the croissants," Sheila said, choosing her words carefully.

"And? Just that?"

"So…he asked if I had seen this movie – I forget the name now," Sheila commented, helping Estelle finish setting the table.

"Oh…really. That's all?" Estelle went on.

"And…he asked me if I wanted to go see it with him…" Sheila spluttered.

"Well of course he does! Jean-Paul is like…so polite! He knows that you're my house guest from out of town and he wants to make you feel at home in a new city!"

At that point Sheila wasn't sure whether Estelle was warning her that she was her guest and as such, at her mercy, or assessing the situation and offering her personal take on it.

"Of course you're right," Sheila assured Estelle. "He's just being friendly."

"Naturally. I mean, why else would he do it?" Estelle asked, the smile returning on her lips. "It's his way. Part of that French charm. Okay – instant or freshly brewed?"

"Would it…be alright if…if I had tea?"

"Don't tell me you're a tea drinker," Estelle gasped, "but don't worry – we'll make this our little secret. Not that there's anything wrong with tea. I mean, I drink it when I'm malade... Malade means sick. Jean-Paul taught me that. Oh that man is so romantic!"

"So then you wouldn't mind if we go to the movie together?" Sheila asked, gauging the expression on Estelle's face. "We won't be late."

"Why would I mind? We're all friends here, right? Anyway, I've got lots of stuff to do and then there's the planning for that welcome party for you! I've got lots of really great available guys for you to meet."

Again Sheila felt that her friend was setting down territorial rules and Jean-Paul was off limits. For her part she was merely going to the movies with a friend. No more, no less. Then, what was the fluttery feeling in her stomach every time she remembered Jean-Paul's face studying hers from across the counter?

"Here's an extra key," Estelle said, handing it over to her, "but call before you come home very late. You never know who could be here."

There was very little conversation between them throughout brunch other than the occasional "pass the cream" or "more tea?" Sheila wondered if Estelle's hospitality could come to an abrupt end sooner than later.



Rhoda said...

seemed odd that she ended the phonecall with a greeting, but then I don't know...it down mean good day so it makes sense...and she doesnt really know french.

I hope that JP doesn't split up this friendship. Maybe he has a brother for Estelle.


Rhoda said...

oh and I can't wait to read more!!